PRCS & the Imdad Organization - South Africa sign an agreement to rehabilitate the patients’ section in the Society’s hospital in Cairo

(Cairo: 5/12/2014): The PRCS branch in Cairo signed a joint cooperation agreement with the South African Imdad Organization - Jordan Office yesterday at its hospital, in coordination with the Palestinian Embassy in Cairo and the relevant Egyptian authorities. This agreement objective is to rehabilitate the patient rooms section in PRCS Palestine Hospital in Cairo to receive and treat the wounded in the Gaza Strip, as part of a project previously launched by the Imdad Organization, which includes the establishment of an international charitable fund aimed at providing advanced health care to the wounded in the Gaza Strip, and covering their treatment expenses in Egypt, Jordan and Turkey.
The agreement was signed by Dr. Nabil Shawwa, PRCS Executive office member, and Dr. Zakaria Al-Sheikh, from Imdad organization, in the presence of the hospital director, Dr. Muhammad Ramadan, the representative of PRCS in Cairo, Engineer Tariq Arafat, and a number of officials from the South African Organization.
The agreement included several items, the most important of which were: rehabilitating patient rooms section in Palestine Hospital, purchasing advanced medical equipment for operating rooms, and beginning to receive medical cases in need of advanced surgical operations.
This agreement between the two parties comes within the framework of efforts to coordinate and cooperate to provide medical and humanitarian services to those affected by the aggression on the Gaza Strip and alleviate.