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On the eve of the 11th PRCS’ General Assembly: Two PRCS’ veterans commend its ability to discharge its humanitarian duties at all times

Al Bireh – 30/4/2014): According to Mr. Edmond Imran, Administrative Council member, and to Dr. Christos Giannou, a PRCS volunteer, holding the General Assembly regularly is a must in order to consecrate the democratic process within the PRCS.

Speaking on the eve of the 11th PRCS’ General Assembly, Mr. Imran added: “This Assembly shall be attended by representatives from PRCS’ branches and sub branches in Palestine and the Diaspora. They shall elect a new Executive Office, present PRCS’ reports and discuss its Strategy for the coming four years. This democratic process characterizes PRCS, a Society with an outstanding humanitarian role ever since its creation” he said.

He went on to talk about his first encounter with PRCS: “In 1979, I was the deputy representative of the PLO in Brussels and used to accompany unionists and journalists to Lebanon. It is at that time that I met late Dr. Fathi Arafat, PRCS’ founding father, and that my relation with PRCS started. I left Belgium in 1982 and returned to Canada where I worked with the PLO office and created a committee to help humanitarian organizations in Lebanon, including the PRCS. This brought me closer to PRCS”.

In 1983, Mr. Imran created the 'Medical Aid for Palestine’ association which still provides media assistance to PRCS and raises funds in support of its programs aimed at responding to emergencies and crises in Palestine and the Diaspora. “A key PRCS’ feature is the devotion shown by its staff and volunteers. The Society’s leadership has always planned for the future, and I do not know of any other organization that was capable of building as many hospitals and clinics as the PRCS has”, he added.

As for Dr. Giannou, the world-renowned surgeon, he said he was delighted to visit Palestine for the first time and to see friends he has not seen for the past 20 years.

“Hearing about the suffering of Palestinians is one thing, but experiencing it on the ground is quite another. I believe that there are many things the world needs to know about the suffering caused to Palestinians by the Israeli occupation”, he said. He talked about how he started working at PRCS/Lebanon in 1980 as Director of Al Nabatiyeh Hospital, and how, during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the Israeli army arrested him along with two Norwegian colleagues working at a program for children with disabilities. They were all deported from Lebanon and sent back to their countries two weeks later. Dr. Giannou stayed with the PRCS till 1990, and then worked with the ICRC till 2011.

“Like all other PLO institutions, the PRCS has played a major role in focusing attention on the Palestinian cause in general and on its human dimension in particular. The PRCS can play an active diplomatic role thanks to its membership of the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. By fulfilling its humanitarian role and providing medical services, it has succeeded in revealing the suffering of Palestinians and their national aspirations.

Despite the extremely complex conditions under which it had to work since its creation in 1968, it has managed to develop its services in a very remarkable manner”, he added.