Community-Based Interventions Program

Community-Based Psychosocial Interventions
Psychosocial Support builds on the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA). It targets the most disadvantaged local populations including women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities. The aim is to allay stress caused by the occupation or by social traditions and customs, as well as to identify and refer persons in need of specialized care.
Community-Based Risk Reduction Interventions
assessments are carried out at the community level to determine needs, strengths and weaknesses. Activities are then organized to reduce risks and build community resilience mainly in marginalized and vulnerable areas.
Community-Based Interventions for Children with Intellectual Disabilities
A wide array of activities target children with severe/profound mental disabilities, mainly in remote and marginalized areas. The aim is to develop their motor, social and verbal skills including their muscular strength, receptive and expressive language, self-care and social interaction skills.