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A delegation from the Danish Red Cross visits PRCS Lebanon Branch

Lebanon – September 13, 2013: A delegation from the Danish Red Cross (DRC) headed by its Secretary General Mr. Anders Ladekarl visited the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) branch in Lebanon. The visit came in the context of reinforcing the joint relations between the DRC and the PRCS. The Danish delegation was received by Dr. Salah Al-Ahmad, Member of the PRCS Executive Office and Director of Medical Services in Lebanon, and Dr. Samer Shehadeh, Director of the Projects and Cooperation Department in the branch.

Mr. Ladekarl and the accompanying delegation were briefed on the conditions of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the difficulties facing them at the economic and social levels, and the services offered to them through the PRCS hospitals, centers and teams in Lebanon, in addition to the challenges facing the branch which have become more apparent due to the services offered to the Syrian refugees and the Palestinians who were displaced from Syria.

Furthermore, the delegation visited the PRCS Haifa Hospital in Burj al-Barajneh Camp located south of Beirut, and listened to a briefing about the work and services of the hospital and the difficulties and challenges facing it. The delegation made a tour inside the hospital and in the camp and had a closer look at the conditions in the camp, particularly the infrastructure and living conditions