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The American Red Cross visits the Palestine Red Crescent Society

Al-Bireh – March 19, 2013: The President of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Dr. Younis Al-Khatib received a delegation from the American Red Cross, headed by its President and Chief Executive Officer Ms. Gail McGovern, who was accompanied by Mr. Neal Litvack, Chief Development Officer, and Mr. David Meltzer, Vice president for International Affairs.


The delegation visited the main headquarters of the PRCS in Al-Bireh, and got updated about the humanitarian and relief services offered by PRCS in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in addition to the services offered to the Palestinian refugees in Syria and Lebanon, and the main challenges and risks facing them.


Dr. Al-Khatib accompanied the visiting delegation in a tour in the headquarters facilities, and briefed the delegation about the main services and programs offered. The tour included a visit to the Total Communication Center, Expressive Art Therapy Center, Central Operations Room, and the Central Warehouses among other facilities


Furthermore, Ms. McGovern and the accompanying delegation visited the PRCS branch in the city of Bethlehem, and had a tour in its facilities and services accompanied by the director of Public Relations and International Cooperation Ms. Tania Abu Ghosh and the officials in the branch, in addition to a short visit the Nativity Church.