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PRCS Inaugurates a Clinic in Barta’a

Barta’a- PRCS inaugurated on the 13th of April 2013 a clinic in Barta’a, a Palestinian village of approx. 5400 inhabitants completely isolated by the Israeli Annexation Wall.

The clinic was inaugurated during a visit by a PRCS delegation chaired by Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, and comprising PRCS’ Head of Operations Mr. Rabah Jaber and the Head of the Disaster Management Unit Mr. Bashir Ahmad. The delegation was received by Mr. Ghassan Kabaha, President of the Village Council, Council members, Mr. Gazi Kabaha, Headmaster of the Barta’a high school and several PRCS’ volunteers working in the village.

In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib affirmed that Barta’a constitutes a priority for PRCS in Jenin Governorate. “Utmost attention is given by PRCS to emergency medical services, psychological health and primary health care in the village. PRCS shall make every effort to fulfill the needs of this isolated village and to allay the suffering of its inhabitants. It shall continue to provide all necessary services in the village and shall help draw attention to the suffering of its inhabitants as part of efforts targeting marginalized areas and areas affected by the Wall”, he said.
Mr. Ghassan Kabaha spoke about the steadfastness of inhabitants who are facing many difficulties caused by Israeli policies and restrictions. “We need to support this steadfastness in every possible way. Inhabitants are suffering and so is the Village Council which must provide services around the clock. Students suffer because of delays at the access gate to the village and the Wall has had a psychological impact on children too”, he said. Mr. Kabaha then accompanied the delegation on a visit to the village and its high school. He expressed his satisfaction with this visit and with health and humanitarian services provided by PRCS to the village.

Barta’a is totally surrounded by the Wall of Annexation which isolates it from other areas in Jenin Governorate. To enter the village one needs a special permit from the Israeli authorities. It is to be noted that this clinic was inaugurated as part of the Risk Mitigation Program implemented by PRCS in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.