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PRCS Signs Two Agreements with the Swedish and the Norwegian Red Cross Societies

Al Bireh, 24/03/2013 – PRCS signed two Memoranda of Understanding with the Swedish Red Cross and the Norwegian Red Cross aimed at enhancing cooperation in the field of humanitarian and relief services.

Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, and Ms. Ulrika Årehed Kågström, SRC Secretary General signed an eight-year agreement aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two Societies. The signing ceremony was attended by Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS’ Director General, Ms. Tania Abou Ghosh, PRCS’ head of International Cooperation and Projects, and by several Swedish Red Cross officials. Dr. Joudeh spoke about current humanitarian conditions in the oPt as well as about PRCS’ interventions and humanitarian services while Ms. Abou Ghosh made a presentation on PRCS’ humanitarian interventions and response during the latest Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip last year.

Dr. Al Khatib said this agreement shall play a major role in enhancing cooperation and exchange of experiences between the two Societies which started many years ago. He also touched upon humanitarian conditions witnessed by Palestinian refugees in Syria over the past two years, describing the services provided by PRCS to them despite difficulties faced by PRCS’ staff and volunteers.

In Oslo, PRCS signed a new four-year cooperation agreement with the Norwegian Red Cross. The signing ceremony was attended by Ms. Asne Havnelid, Secretary General of the Norwegian Red Cross. The agreement aims at furthering joint action and enhancing the exchange of experiences between both organizations.

Ms. Havnelid lauded PRCS which she considered as a key partner and a leading organization providing humanitarian, relief and health services as well as EMS assistance to those in need.