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Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Launches the “Palestine, We Are Your Youth” 2013 Campaign

(Al Bireh – 27/12/2012): PRCS launched its “Palestine, We Are Your Youth” 2013 campaign which shall comprise diverse activities and events targeting youths throughout 2013. The campaign was launched during the inauguration ceremony of the 2nd PRCS Youth Winter Camp held at PRCS headquarters in Al Bireh and attended by Dr. YounIs Al Khatib, PRCS President, Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS Director General, Mr. Rabah Jaber, PRCS Head of Operations as well as several Department and Branch directors and around 100 volunteers from the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.

In his speech, Dr. Al khatib underlined the active role played by young people at PRCS and their clear impact on its activities and programs including in the fields of EMS, Primary Health Care, Psychosocial support, rehabilitation, capacity development and disaster preparedness. “PRCS is present in every Palestinian city, town and community in Palestine and the diaspora. It encourages young people to reach out to every Palestinian home by focusing on youths, building their capacities and harnessing their talents. This Camp coincides with the Society’s 45th anniversary and the meeting of its Administrative Board. It also comes at a time when Palestinians are facing dire conditions especially in Al Yarmouk Camp in Syria as well as in the Gaza Strip”, he added.

It is to be noted that around 100 volunteers from the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, are taking part in this five-day Camp.

Speaking on behalf of his colleagues, Mr. Iyad al Natsheh touched on achievements made by PRCS’ Youth Program in 2012 as well as on the impact made by PRCS’ volunteers in various fields in both Palestine and the diaspora. He also spoke about the work done by volunteers on checkpoints during the month of Ramadan, services provided by them to thousands of worshippers heading to Al Aqsa mosque as well as to Mecca for the pilgrimage, olive harvesting campaigns and the hundreds of open days and humanitarian and voluntary action days organized by volunteers.

Mr. Shareef Abahreh, Head of the Youths and Volunteers Department at PRCS, said that the “Palestine, We Are Your Youth” 2013 Campaign aims at encouraging young people to become PRCS volunteers and at highlighting the importance given by PRCS to this significant category of the Palestinian people. “Next year, the Campaign shall focus on enhancing young people’s participation in various PRCS programs and events throughout Palestine. It shall target them by means of several programs and activities aimed at building their capacities and enhancing their skills to enable them to better serve their community and homeland”, he said.