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PRCS’ President Visits Injured Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Al Arish

(Gaza, 21/12/2012): PRCS’ President Dr. Younis Al Khatib visited today Al Shifa’ Public Hospital in Gaza where he met with injured Palestinians and was briefed by hospital officials on the hospital’s medical needs in the aftermath of the Israeli attacks against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.


Dr. Al Khatib was accompanied by Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS’ Director General. “PRCS shall continue to provide support to and to cooperate with public hospitals in the Gaza Strip”, Al Khatib said.


Moreover, Dr. Al Khatib met in Al Arish (Egypt) with Dr. Tareq Al Khater, the Egyptian Undersecretary of Health.


Al Khatib thanked the Egyptian authorities for their help and addressed his gratitude to the Egyptian President, government and people. Al Khatib also valued the assistance provided by the Egyptian Red Crescent Society as well as its efforts to facilitate the entry of Arab medical aid to the Gaza Strip and from there to PRCS.


Dr. Al Khatib also visited injured Palestinians in Al Arish whose injuries reflect the horrific crimes committed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip especially against women, children and elderly persons, a large number of whom were receiving treatment in Al Arish.