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Aid from the Egyptian Red Crescent Society to Gaza Victims

(Gaza-17/11/2012): The PRCS received last night a consignment of medical items from the Egyptian Red Crescent Society that may contribute in meeting the medical needs of the Gazan hospitals.

This consignment of 100 packs containing medicines, disposable medical items and emergency supplies was dispatched by the Palestine Red Crescent Society to the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip.

Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, said: “The PRCS is coordinating with all relevant parties in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, to secure the medical needs of the different hospitals in the Gaza Strip to alleviate the suffering of the victims of the Israeli attack.”

In the same context, the PRCS has donated 3 surgical kits to the Al Shifa governmental hospital in Gaza that may deal with up to 600 cases.
