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The PRCS Facilities and Staff Heavily Affected by Constant Shelling of the Gaza Strip

(Gaza-16112012): PRCS teams, hospitals, branches and clinics have sustained varying degrees of damage in several governorates in the Gaza Strip early this morning.

Some of the affected facilities include the Al-Noor city in the Tal Al-Hawa area, the Al-Quds hospital and the nearby EMS station. Most windows and inner ceilings were shattered, namely in the clinics’ ward at the Al-Quds hospital, and patients suffered severe panic attacks due to the uninterrupted shelling of the area.

Two PRCS medics have also sustained medium bruises caused by the scattering of rubble during the bombing of a building in the same area, where PRCS teams were providing medical assistance to nearby civilian victims of an attack on the same building minutes earlier.

The Jabalya branch had as well been damaged the day before yesterday due to continuous bombing of the area, which has caused the shattering of windows at the branch, its clinics and EMS station.

The PRCS, therefore, calls upon the international community and organizations to compel Israel to consider the presence of medical teams in target areas following the attacks, and refrain from re-bombing the same locations thus targeting PRCS staff and jeopardizing their lives.

The PRCS is currently dedicating all its capacities and staff to providing emergency and relief services in the Gaza Strip.