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Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) declares maximum state of emergency in Gaza


The PRCS declared the maximum state of emergency last night in the Gaza Strip due to the Israeli military operation there that has resulted in a number of fatalities and causalities.



The PRCS staff and volunteers in all its premises and services particularly in EMS and DM are evacuating, treating and transferring casualties to the hospitals in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the PRCS is coordinating with all relevant parties in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and mainly with the Ministry of Health to secure the medical needs of the different hospitals in the Gaza Strip.



Both PRCS operations rooms in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are operating 24/7to monitor the situation on the ground and manage the humanitarian services provided by the Society to the victims of the Israeli attack.



The PRCS is closely coordinating with the international Red Cross Committee (ICRC) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in order to respond to the medical and humanitarian needs.
