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In cooperation with Birzeit University PRCS launches its voluntary olive harvesting campaign

(Marda – 15102012): In cooperation with Birzeit University, PRCS launched today its annual campaign aimed at helping Palestinians harvest their olive trees located near Israeli settlements and the Wall of Separation in Marda (Salfit Governorate). Around 400 PRCS volunteers will be taking part in this campaign implemented in 15 locations in the West Bank.

The launching ceremony was attended by PRCS President Dr. Younes Al Khatib, PRCS Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS’ Head of Operations Mr. Rabah Jaber as well as the Head of Marda’s Village Council Mr. Sadeq Khafesh, and the Head of Voluntary work at Birzeit University Ms. Ghada Al Omari. The ceremony was also attended by PRCS’ volunteers and Birzeit University students.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Al Khatib underlined the importance of this campaign in helping Palestinians harvest their olive trees. “Olive trees constitute a main economic resource for Palestinian families, ensuring their steadfastness amidst Israeli army and settler attacks and violations”, he said. Dr. Al Khatib thanked Birzeit University, the Society’s partner in this year campaign which aims at helping Palestinians remain steadfast in their land. This year, the campaign focuses on Marda, a village that suffers from continuous attackss by settlers from adjacent Ariel settlement.

Mr. Khafesh also took the floor to explain the dire conditions witnessed by his village which is encircled by Ariel settlement and surrounded by a fence with only two gates through which Palestinians can enter the village. He touched on the continuous attackss against village inhabitants, including the closure of agricultural roads with a view to chasing Palestinians away. “More than 400 dunums of the village’s land are now located behind the Wall of Separation, while an additional 900 dunums had been confiscated during the building of the Wall. The reason behind these continuous attacks and harassment is that the village prevents the expansion of the nearby Ariel settlement”, he said.

Ghada Al Omari expressed her joy at visiting Marda. “Birzeit University has played a leading role over the past decades in the field of voluntary action with a view to supporting the steadfastness of Palestinians. Cooperation with PRCS aims at providing assistance to all those who need our help”, she said.

Village inhabitants told the PRCS delegation about their suffering and about attackss and harassment by settlers and occupation forces all year long, and mainly during the olive harvesting season. This includes felling and stealing olive trees, denial of access to olive orchards, dire economic conditions and the need for assistance and support to help them remain in their land.