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PRCS Holds a Capacity-Building Course for its EMS Volunteers

(Gaza- 28 August 2012): PRCS’ Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department held a Capacity-building course with the participation of 26 volunteers working at PRCS’ EMS Stations in the Gaza Strip.

This theoretical and practical course included hands-on training at Gaza Strip hospitals and was held under the supervision of a specialized training team from the Society’s EMS Institute. It aimed at building the capacities of paramedics to enable them to become First Responders and provided specialized training on the safe transport of sick and wounded persons to EMS centers at various hospitals.

According to Dr. Bashar Mourad, Director of the EMS apparatus in the Gaza Strip, the course reflected the keenness of PRCS on enhancing performance of volunteers and on building the capacities of EMTs to enable them to provide highly professional health and humanitarian services.