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A Collective Iftar to celebrate PRCS Volunteers and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT)

(Ramallah – 9/8/2012): PRCS celebrated its volunteers and EMTs during an Iftar (fast-breaking) meal organized at its Headquarters in Al Bireh. The celebration also featured the graduation ceremony of EMTs who received their First-Aid diplomas from the PRCS’ EMS Institute.

The ceremony was attended by Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, Dr. Khaled joudeh, PRCS Director General and Mr. Rabah Jabr, PRCS Head of Operations, as well as by numerous directors from PRCS branches and departments and many PRCS volunteers from the West Bank, including Jerusalem.

In his opening remarks, Ashraf Abahreh, Head of PRCS’ Youths and Volunteers Department, welcomed volunteers and EMTs, especially those who participated in PRCS activities during the month of Ramadan, providing help and humanitarian assistance to worshippers on checkpoints and at Al Aqsa and Al Ibrahimi Mosques. He also lauded the Society’s leadership, represented by Dr. Al Khatib, “which pays attention to its volunteers, builds their capacities and honors them”, he said, adding that “this was the first group of volunteers to receive this Diploma that would help them serve PRCS and their country as a whole”.

Dr. Al khatib expressed his joy to be amongst such great volunteers who helped alleviate the suffering of Palestinians at Qalandia, Gilo and Al Zaytooneh checkpoints as well as at Al Aqsa and Al Ibrahimi Mosques. He underlined the role played by volunteers since the Society was created and the large number of volunteers who were killed while providing their humanitarian assistance throughout the Society’s history. “PRCS takes care of its volunteers and always seeks to develop their capacities”, he said. Al Khatib hoped that these recent graduates will serve PRCS and Palestine in general, and wished them all success.

One graduate took the floor on behalf of his colleagues to express their gratitude for the efforts made by PRCS to build their capacities and polish their skills.

Participants also honored members of PRCS’ Volunteers’ Committees from various Palestinian Governorates who took part in activities during Ramadan. The ceremony also featured artistic and recreational interludes as well as a the graduation ceremony itself and the distribution of diplomas.