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Four Special Needs Students from PRCS Schools Successfully Pass Their General Secondary School Examination

(Ramallah – 22/7/2012): Four special needs students enrolled at PRCS’ rehabilitation schools in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip successfully passed the Palestinian General Secondary School Examination (Tawjihi).

Three of those students, Mounadel Alawi, Mohamad Aqbawi and Hiba al Misri were enrolled at the PRCS Total Communication School for the rehabilitation and education of hearing impaired students in Al Bireh, while the fourth student, Aya al Kafafi, who suffers from brain palsy, was enrolled at PRCS Al Amal School in Khan Younis. 16 other special needs students enrolled at PRCS schools also sat for the Examination but did not pass it with success.

Ms. Ghada Mansour, Headmistress of the PRCS Total Communication School, said: “A big challenge awaits these four students who are about to start their university studies because colleges and universities in Palestine lack teachers who master sign language. Hence, teachers from our school are allocated to those students to translate for them. Moreover, some Palestinians lack awareness about how to deal with persons with special needs or with persons suffering from hearing disabilities. Another problem is their difficult integration in society and especially in educational institutions, due to the fact that they were separated from their peers in elementary and secondary schools and were living in a special environment suitable for their needs. This will make their integration process a bit harder”.

The Total Communication School has so far graduated several students who are currently enrolled in tertiary education institutions in the west Bank, including 3 students at Al Quds Open University and 6 students at Inash Al Osra. This is the fourth class to graduate from the school. Next year, several students from the school’s branch in Nablus shall also sit for the General Secondary School Examination.

It is to be noted that PRCS runs Total Communication Schools in Ramallah, Nablus, Bani Na’im and Khan Younis.