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Disaster Preparedness Camp Concludes in Bani Na’im

(Bani Na’im- 1172012): PRCS concluded its National Team Disaster Preparedness Camp held over ten days in Masafer Bani Na’im (Hebron Governorate) with the participation of around 50 volunteers.

The closing ceremony was attended by PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS Director General Dr. Khaled Joudeh, Directors from PRCS Departments, Programs and Branches, the Head of PRCS/Bani Na’im, the Mayor of Bani Na’im and the Deputy-Governor of Hebron.

As for Dr. Al Khatib, he said: “PRCS and its partners in the field of disaster preparedness still have a long way to go in order to raise community awareness and educate it on how to deal with crises and disasters. Cooperation is needed from the local community as well as from all institutions to ensure that we are ready to face disasters through a relevant National Strategy”.

Bashir Ahmad, Head of PRCS’ Disaster Management Program in the West Bank spoke about the Camp itself: “Through the Disaster Management Program, PRCS aims at enhancing its capacity -and that of Palestinians in general- to manage disasters. This Camp is in line with the Society’s strategy aimed at building the capacities of our community which we believe is the first to suffer from and the first to respond to disaster. Training provided was in line with international standards thanks to our prominent local experts. It focused on several key issues such as water and sanitation, shelter, food and nutrition, rapid assessment and response as well as communication. Several exercises were also held during the day and at night to put theories learnt into practice”.

Marwan Sultan, Deputy Governor of Hebron, lauded the great efforts made by PRCS to serve Palestinians wherever they may be, especially by preparing them to face any potential disaster or crisis. He said the Governorate was proud of the Disaster Preparedness Center located in Masafer Bani Na’im as it is a very important Center in this area in particular and is indeed a unique Center that helps prepare the necessary human resources.

Mr. Radwan Manasra, Mayor of Bani Na’im, welcomed participants and sponsors. “We as Palestinians have endured to create the nucleus of an advanced National Team capable of facing disasters caused by the endless earthquake which is occupation”, he said. He touched on the importance of choosing Masafer Bani Na’im to host this Camp, turning it from a “death area” filled with mines used by occupation to a center for the rehabilitation of youths to save and protect lives.

Speaking on behalf of the Italian Red Cross, its Head of Mission Mr. Gian Marco Onorato said he was proud to cooperate with PRCS in all its programs, especially the disaster and crises management program.

Moustafa el Baz, volunteer, who took the floor of behalf of all graduates, said he and his colleagues were both satisfied and proud of their achievements during this Camp. He also praised efforts made by PRCS and trainers.