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National Camp on Disaster Preparedness

(Bani Naim, 7/7/2012): A ten-day National Camp on Disaster Preparedness organized by PRCS is currently underway in Masafer Bani Na’im (South of Hebron) with the participation of 44 participants. Amongst the many practical and theoretical issues tackled by the Camp are Rapid Assessment, Communication in Times of Disaster, Water and Sanitation, Shelter, Health, Supplies, Relief Appeals, Distribution of Relief Items and Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance.

According to Bashir Ahmad, Head of PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit in the West Bank, “the Camp is in line with the Society’s Strategy as well as with the National Strategy for Crises Preparedness. It aims at creating a team of qualified and trained volunteers capable of facing humanitarian disasters (both natural and man-made). The Camp complements a one-year training course which aims at rehabilitating a national PRCS team capable of facing disasters and crises thanks to qualified members who can deal with disasters and crises whenever they occur”.

When asked why Masafer Bani Na’im, which is 9 kilometers away from Bani Na’im, was chosen to host the Camp, he said: “The venue was chosen because it provides conditions similar to those witnessed during natural disasters, so that the training received has the largest effect possible”.

A number of volunteers from throughout the West Bank are taking part in the Camp. They have been carefully selected and underwent several courses and camps, in order to prepare them for this Camp.

May al Sharif, who is from Farkha (Salfit Governorate) and has been a PRCS volunteer for the past 12 years, said: “We are gaining a lot of experience from the Camp. It will undoubtedly open new opportunities for us”.

As for Moustafa Al Baz, who is from Qalqilia and works at the City’s Municipality, he said: “I have left my family in Qalqilia in order to participate in this Camp and gain new experiences as well as to put into practice what I have learned during previous disaster-related lectures and workshops”.