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PRCS Concludes a Training Camp on Rapid Disaster Response

(Nouba, 26/6/2012): The Disaster Management Unit (DMU) at PRCS held on the 21st and 22nd of June 2012 a training camp in Nouba (Hebron Governorate) on Rapid Disaster Response with the participation of 60 young men and women working at DMU in the Governorate.

The camp featured a training course which covered an introduction to DMU, disaster preparedness, evacuation during emergencies and camp management. Moreover, an exercise on evacuating injured people, searching for missing persons and exploring areas around the camp to determine the safest and the most-at-risk ones was also held.
This event aimed at polishing skills, attending to staff and volunteers and getting better acquainted with Rapid Response Teams.

The training camp produced a number of recommendations, mainly: the importance of disaster-related training courses, increasing the number of volunteers in various DMU committees and networking with relevant institutions.