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PRCS and the Qatar Red Crescent Society Sign an Appendix to their Joint Cooperation Agreement

(Doha, Qatar – 17/6/2012): The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and its Qatari counterpart signed today an appendix to a Memorandum of Understanding which had been signed by the two Societies back in January 2011. The appendix includes a number of articles aimed at enhancing cooperation and building partnerships between the two parties.

This step is in line with the Partnership Agreement and Cooperation Strategy which binds both Societies with a view to implementing joint programs in the west Bank, the Gaza Strip and refugee camps in the Diaspora. Programs amounting to more than 65 million dollars have been or are being implemented in the Gaza Strip alone.

Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS Director General, thanked the Government and people of Qatar for their support. “Without the generous aid of the Qatar Red Crescent Society and its development programs, we would be facing greater needs. The support received by PRCS from its Qatar counterpart in Lebanon has helped the Society to continue providing its services to a large number of Palestinians in refugee camps. Moreover, programs implemented in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem, serve a large number of Palestinians, including marginalized populations. These programs are mainly in the fields of water, sanitation, health, education and disabilities”, he said.

Saleh Al Mouhannadi, Secretary General of the Qatar Red Crescent Society, highlighted efforts and results witnessed on the ground in Palestine. “All target populations should benefit from these efforts which are bearing fruit. Our joint programs cater to all needs as they are in the fields of infrastructure, health, education and sanitation inter alia. The Qatar Red Crescent Society’s team working in the West Bank and the Gaza strip is keen on ensuring the rapid and professional execution of all programs”, he added.