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PRCS Concludes a Training Course on Disaster Preparedness

(Al Bireh, 5 June 2012): Today, PRCS concluded a 3-day training course on “Disaster Preparedness” in which participated 20 volunteers from the Society’s Disaster Unit from Jericho, Ramallah and villages located to the North West of Jerusalem.

Held at PRCS headquarters in Al Bireh, the course included an introduction to the Disaster Management Unit and its tasks. It also covered issues such as disaster preparedness; the importance of community-based preparedness and prevention programs to face societal and environmental risks; the building and management of camps for displaced populations; minimum standards in disaster response; water and sanitation management; food and nutrition; building and use of emergency shelters; coordination for emergency supplies; emergency assessment skills; logistical support and store management; skills and selection of emergency response teams as well as the management of operation rooms.

The course aimed at enhancing the efficiency and skills of Disaster Unit teams to better enable PRCS to handle emergencies.