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Training sessions at Al Azhar University to mark the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

(Gaza – 10/5/2012): PRCS/Gaza held training sessions under the banner “First-Aid for Everyone” at Al Azhar University in Gaza. The sessions, which were attended by hundreds of students, aimed at marking the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day celebrated every year on the 8th of May.

Open field training tents were set up at Sheikh Awwad Square/Al Azhar University to provide information on the basics of First Aid. Participants received practical information on the nature and services provided by the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent and got acquainted with the Mission Statement of this year’s 8th of May celebrations which focuses on bringing about change through young people. They were also briefed on the principles, objectives and vision of PRCS. Specialists answered questions raised by students on PRCS, its principles, programs and services.

Moreover, a delegation from the International Movement representing the Turkish Red Crescent Society, ICRC and IFRC visited the PRCS team in charge of this operation. They praised the role played by PRCS in the humanitarian and health fields and commended the humanitarian efforts made by the Society to the benefit of hundreds of university students.

PRCS also provided ten First Aid kits to the University’s Administration and distributed health-related leaflets and publications on the International Movement, its principles and its objectives.