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PRCS organizes a course on “Youths as Agents of Behavioral Change”

(Ramallah-12/4/2012): In cooperation with the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the PRCS held at its Headquarters in Al Bireh from 2 to 10 April 2012 a course entitled “Youths as agents of behavioral change”.

During this course, lectures were presented by experts from the French Red Cross and IFRC to 30 volunteers from PRCS branches and sub branches from throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The course, which aimed at developing the youth component at PRCS, covered a wide array of topics including information and communication tools, social inclusion, the world context governing the work of the International Movement as well as its seven principles, humanitarian values, training of facilitators and preparation of community-based activities and campaigns.

Course participants received diplomas at the end of the course. The closing session was attended by Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS Director General, Mr. Rabah Jabr, Head of Operations and Mr. Ashraf Abahreh, Head of the Youths and Volunteers Department. Dr. Joudeh lauded the close cooperation between PRCS and IFRC, as well as between PRCS and the Danish Red Cross, and the role played by these organizations in helping PRCS develop the capacities and skills of its staff, youths and volunteers.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Jaber had underlined the role played by young people in Palestine and the importance of enhancing their capacities. “This course targets young people and is in line with the Society’s Youth Strategy. Palestinian youths face many challenges under Israeli occupation. However, they also enjoy great talents and capacities that must be harnessed by PRCS to serve Palestinians in general”, he said.