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Dr. Al Khatib Chairs the PRCS Delegation to the 39th General Assembly of the Arab Red Cross and Red Crescent Organization

(Dubai – 28-2932012): PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib chaired the PRCS delegation to the 39th General Assembly of the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization held in Dubai (UAE). The delegation comprised Dr. Khaled Joudeh, PRCS General Director, Mr. Samih Abu Eysheh, PRCS Secretary General and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Ms. Soubhiyeh al Safadi.

The GA discussed current humanitarian conditions in several Arab countries including Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Palestine, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt, the conditions of refugees and displaced populations in the Arab world as well as the coordination of Arab humanitarian efforts within the Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross Organization and the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Also amongst the meeting’s agenda items was the initiative to set up a fund to support Arab Red Crescent and Red Cross youths.

Several papers were presented at the GA by humanitarian partners working in the region. They tackled automated disaster management systems, the humanitarian role played by media and social networks, road safety and strategic dialogue amongst International Movement components, inter alia.

At the end of the GA, the Secretariat of the Arab Organization honored a number of Arab paramedics and volunteers working at Red Crescent and Red Cross Emergency Medical Services centers throughout the Arab world. They were all awarded the “Rafida’s Tent” Order (Rafida was one of Prophet Mohamad’s Companions). Both EMT Soubhiyeh al Safadi who works at PRCS’ EMS Department and Ibrahim Abou Kas, who is a PRCS volunteer in the Gaza Strip received the Order.

Moreover, the Secretariat also honored General Secretaries from Arab National Societies who retired during the past four years and had a clear positive impact on humanitarian action in general and on their countries in particular.

It is to be noted that representatives from around 20 National Societies took part in this 39th Session, in addition to representatives from IFRC, ICRC and several foreign National Societies.