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As part of the Warm Winter Campaign : Palestine Red Crescent and Qatar Red Crescent provide in-kind assistance to elderly people and orphans in Nablus and Tulkarem

(Al Bireh-6/02/2012): In response to severe weather conditions witnessed in the oPt last week, Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and the Qatar Red Crescent Society distributed in-kind assistance to tens of elderly persons at the PRCS Care Home in Nablus as well as to tens of children at the Society’s Childhood Protection Center in Tulkarem.

PRCS teams distributed covers, blankets, carpets and gas heaters to elderly persons in the Care Home in Nablus which hosts several socially disadvantaged persons who receive health, social, psychological and economic care by PRCS. In the same vein, covers, bed sheets, pillows, carpets and electrical appliances were provided to the Childhood Protection Center that hosts 21 children.

The 2012 Warm Winter Campaign is implemented by PRCS and the Qatar Red Crescent Society. It aims at providing support to marginalized areas, areas affected by the Wall and settlements as well as to the most disadvantaged populations, especially under the extreme weather conditions witnessed in the oPt recently.