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The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) provides services to pilgrims during Christmas Festivals

(Bethlehem- 26/12/2011): The PRCS provided its services to the pilgrims and the people celebrating Christmas in Bethlehem through its teams of staff and volunteers at the Church of Nativity area and the surroundings.


PRCS teams provided the medical services to over 50 cases at the Nativity church area and the surrounding pathways, in addition to 20 other cases during the mass and following it inside the church.
Over 65 volunteers were dispatched from Saturday morning until Sunday morning, where the mass was held in participation with H.E. President Mahmoud Abbas , Patriarch Fu’ad Tawal, and a number of honorable guests.


PRCS distributed its volunteers into 3 groups, covering al areas, providing first aid and humanitarian services and taking care of chronicle diseases ' patients such as Diabetes and Blood pressure.
Some of the cases were treated in field by nurse volunteers and other cases were transferred to the clinic PRCS offered at the Manger Square, which was equipped with modern devices, nurses and doctors. Moreover, 6 ambulances were dispatched to the area of the church and the squares and pathways nearby.