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The Ministry of Education honors five teachers from PRCS Total Communication School at Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS)

(Al Bireh-15/12/2011): The Palestinian Ministry of Education/Ramallah and Al Bireh Directorate of Education honored five teachers from PRCS’ Total Communication School, recognizing them as exceptional teachers of the year.

During the honoring ceremony held at Salim Effendi Park in Al Bireh, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the five honored teachers by the Deputy Minister of Education Mr. Mohamad Abou Zeid, the Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs Mr. Moussa Abou Zeid and the Governor of Ramallah and Al Bireh Dr. Layla Ghannam.
The five honored teachers are: Wissal Amireh, Joumana Thabet, Nisreen Flayan, Abeer Rassem and Sana’ Ratrout.