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Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) /Qalqilia Organizes a Workshop on Disasters for Pupils and Mothers in Al Ras village

(Qalqilia-18/12/2011): PRCS Qalqilia branch organized an awareness-raising workshop on disaster preparedness at Al Ras Co-education High School. The workshop was attended by more than 50 fifth grade pupils and their mothers.

At the start of the workshop, Mr. Ziyad Salah, Headmaster, spoke about joint cooperation between PRCS and his school which is also covered by the Psychosocial Support Program implemented by PRCS in Qalqilia and Tulkarem.

Faysal Abou Saleh, Head of PRCS branch in the Governorate, spoke about partnerships between PRCS and schools in Qalqilia and Tulkarem Governorates. “This activity is part of a series of programs, services and projects implemented by PRCS in cooperation and partnership with local community institutions, including schools”, he said.

Jamal Daoud, Coordinator of the Disaster Unit at PRCS Qalqilia branch, began the workshop by speaking about PRCS, its programs and services. He highlighted the basic principles of this Palestinian Society which is part and parcel of the International Movement of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

He also touched on disasters, disaster preparedness and conduct in times of disasters and in their aftermath, explaining that PRCS devotes a lot of attention to this issue by establishing specialized teams to handle disasters and by ensuring their training and rehabilitation. PRCS also raises community-based awareness by holding tens of workshops to educate the local population in this field, he said.