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Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) inaugurates an exhibition of photographs by hearing-impaired students

(Al Bireh-14/12/2011): PRCS inaugurated today in Al Bireh a photo exhibition entitled “Looking through another window” showcasing photos taken by 12 students from PRCS Total Communication Center, school for the Hearing Impaired.

Open for twenty days, this exhibition was inaugurated by PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, Mayor of Trondheim (Norway) Ms. Rita Ottervik and Mayor of Ramallah Ms. Janet Michael. The inauguration ceremony was also attended by a large crowd comprising PRCS officials and staff as well as participating students and their families. The exhibition was prepared under the supervision of Norwegian volunteers Ms. Vilde Aarethun and her colleague Oscar Stoltenberg (a photographer).

Ms. Ottervik addressed her words to the children, underlining that they represent our future hopes and that everyone must help them live in a sound and healthy environment. She added that the exhibition reflects the way these children see their daily lives and the world around them.

In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib said that this exhibition and the wonderful photographs taken by hearing-impaired students of their homes and towns spread a message of hope to all Palestinians and show that they are capable of creativity and distinction despite the dire conditions surrounding them.

Ms. Aarethun recalled how these photographs came into being and how she and her colleague worked with hearing-impaired children to train them on how to take pictures and use cameras, and how they went on to take such lovely pictures according to their own perspective. “After one and a half weeks of intensive work, children learned how to express themselves. By allowing these students to display their photographs in such an exhibit, we are allowing the world to see how they perceive their lives as Palestinians and as children. What is very important is that these photographs reflect the state and conditions of these children”, she said.

At the end of the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Al Khatib presented plaques and gifts to the Mayor of Trondheim, Ms. Aarethun and Mr. Stoltenberg. Also, certificates of appreciation were distributed to participating students by Dr. Al Khatib and both Mayors of Trondheim and Ramallah.