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PRCS holds an awareness campaign About HIV/ AIDS

(Ramallah, 6/12/2011): The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) organized a campaign to raise awareness about HIV/ AIDS disease today, on the occasion of the World Day of AIDS, marking the 1st of December. The campaign took place at the new headquarters of Al Asreya College in Ramallah.

A number of college students and teachers received brochures and leaflets about HIV/Aids disease, its causes, symptoms, and prevention while PRCS staff, from the Primary Health Care Program, lectured the students on the various ways the disease can be transmitted.

Furthermore, PRCS teams distributed questionnaires featuring questions on AIDS to ensure the students’ knowledge of the topic and provide them with better understanding of the causes and effects.

Fatima Skaik, Community Health Program Coordinator mentioned that the PRCS holds annually educational health events in Palestinian universities aimed at raising awareness about AIDS among students;
Similar campaigns were held in the past years in several universities such as Birzeit, Al Najah, Bethlehem, Polytechnic and the Arab American Universities.

According to Hala Al Qaisi, freshmen at Law school, she has gained new information about the disease, its causes, ways of transmission and prevention. She noted that the Palestinian community needs additional educational and awareness campaigns on similar issues.

Students Omar Hamayel and Mahmoud Qandil valued PRCS campaign and mentioned they acquired great knowledge about the disease; pointing out the importance of changing the culture of taboo and the wrong conception the community has about HIV/AIDS.

The administration of Al Asreyya College valued the PRCS' efforts in its various fields of work, particularly in Educational Health Programs. As Human Resources Manager, Mr. Qutaiba Alawneh pointed out: “It is such a successful initiative; college students need to have strong knowledge of HIV/AIDS. We always seek strengthening our relationship with the PRCS, and look forward to having more cooperation in the future”.
Furthermore, members of Safe Motherhood Committees of PRCS participated in tthe campaign and disseminated information about the disease.

Ms. Sawsan Al Shaikh, a volunteer from Qatanna Committee, said the sessions and workshops were profitable in order for herself to become capable of disseminating information about HIV/AIDS to her family and village, and now to the college students. She thanked the PRCS for including her friends and her in the awareness campaign, for the big role it plays in building up their confidence, and enhancing the role of the Palestinian women in the development of their community.