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PRCS celebrates the World Disabled Day and World Volunteers Day

(Al Bireh- 5/12/2011): Celebrating the International world Day  of Persons with Disabilities, which occurs on December 3rd, and the World Volunteer Day, the large PRCS hall in Al-Bireh was overcrowded with children and youth mostly with disabilities, as well as Palestinian Authority officials, Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) senior administration and staff, representatives of humanitarian organizations both local and international, as well as many volunteers, and PRCS partners from national organizations and the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The celebration was led by the Palestinian Minister of Social Affairs Ms. Majida Al Masri, Mr. Mohammad Abu Zaid, Deputy Minister of Education and Higher Education, Mr. Hamdan Barghouti, Deputy Governor of Ramallah and Al Bireh, and PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib.

In her speech, Minister Al Masri valued the efforts of the PRCS, and the significance of celebrating both occasions together “The Palestinian people and the government highly appreciate the services provided by PRCS, and commend the great efforts excreted to develop and expand its services to reach more vulnerable individuals and communities.” Al Masri said.

Deputy Minister Abu Zaid, numerated various aspects of cooperation between Ministry of Education and the PRCS. He underlined the role of voluntary work in reinforcing the sense of belonging, emphasizing that volunteering has been always a main feature of the Palestinian community. Abu Zaid also noted that both the Ministry and PRCS are exerting coordinated efforts for the integration of persons with disabilities in schools and the society.

Deputy Governor of Ramalla and Al-Bireh Mr. Barghouti underlined the importance of supporting people with disability, especially whose disabilities were caused by the Israeli occupation.. Mr. Barghouti also valued the role of the PRCS in preserving the spirit of voluntary work, developing and expanding it.

In his concluding statement, PRCS President Dr. Al Khatib recalled the sacrifices of PRCS founder late Dr. Fathy Arafat, who passed away seven years ago. "Dr. Arafat was a great Palestinian volunteer, who worked for the service of people with disabilities" he said. Dr. Al Khatib quoted late Arafat saying that PRCS was first founded to provide medical services to the injured people in the Israeli attacks, then developed its activity to serve the disabled injured fighters and rehabilitating them. Al-Khatib noted that rehabilitating people with disability started since the early beginning of the PRCS activity with many non-Palestinians volunteers taking an active part, recalling that the first PRCS martyr was an Egyptian doctor.

Attendants enjoyed various folkloric dances and plays performed by children with disabilities, from the Total Communication center in Al Bireh, Special Education Center in Nablus, rehabilitation Centers in Hebron, Bani Nai’m, and Jericho, and Qeera Committee.
At the end of the ceremony several volunteers from various programs and groups were honored.