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PRCS and British volunteers perform a series of clown shows

(Al Bireh- 13/10/2011): In cooperation with British volunteers, PRCS organized a series of clown shows throughout the West Bank from 6 to 13 October 2011. These shows targeted 1200 children and their parents in marginalized areas in Jerusalem, Qalqilia, Jericho, Toubas, Tulkarem and Jenin Governorates where children are under tremendous psychological pressure due to occupation practices including the Wall of Separation, checkpoints and constant incursions into towns and villages.
The British volunteers, who established their troupe in 2004 and mobilize funds for marginalized areas during performances in European countries, performed a series of shows which symbolize humanitarian values and reveal a great deal of love for children. The brilliant shows helped draw a smile on children’s faces and were met with a great deal of applause by children and their parents.