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A delegation from PRCS visits the Libyan Red Crescent Society to discuss means of cooperation

(Al-Bierh, 06-10-2011): A PRCS delegation left Palestine and headed to Libya on a visit to the Libyan Red Crescent Society. The PRCS delegation is chaired by Mr. Suliman Al Ahmad, PRCS Administrative Director and comprises Dr. Fathi Fleifel, Head of the Psychosocial Support Program and Mr. Bassam Marshoud, Psychologist. The visit aims at discussing means of cooperation between the two Societies.


During this visit, PRCS and its two partners from the Danish and the Italian Red Cross Societies shall draft a cooperation agreement with the Libyan Red Crescent Society in the field of psychosocial support which includes assessing psychosocial needs and assisting the Libyan Society in developing and designing psychosocial support program. Furthermore, the delegation shall discuss the Libyan Society’s needs in different fields including EMS and disaster management in order to promote future cooperation and exchange experiences between the two Societies in various fields.


This visit stems from PRCS’ belief in its humanitarian duty and responsibilities towards the Libyan people which is currently witnessing very dire conditions.


PRCS had, in the past few months, dispatched to the Libyan-Tunisian borders experts in the field of disaster management and psychosocial support as part of the IFRC team with a view to alleviating the suffering of displaced populations present at the borders.


The PRCS team had helped erect tents, install water and sanitation networks and provide other logistical services. It had also trained Tunisian volunteers on basic psychosocial skills and on how to work with displaced populations, mainly children.