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PRCS provides relief services in Imm el Kheir and Soussia (Hebron Governorate)

(Hebron, 8-9-2011): PRCS provided relief services to Palestinians in Imm el Kheir and Soussia communities (Hebron Governorate) after Israeli occupation forces demolished a number of properties owned by inhabitants there.

Following a rapid assessment of the situation, a team from PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit (DMU) provided relief items to Palestinians in Imm el Kheir, a community located in MassaferYatta area (South East of Yatta) after Israeli occupation forces demolished a number of tents used as homes by Palestinian families in this community which comprises 150 individuals and is adjacent to the Israeli settlement of Karme’il. Following an assessment of damages which included the destruction of four tents and bathrooms, PRCS distributed relief items, tents, food and hygiene items as well as a First Aid kit to four families comprising 24 members.

In the same vein, PRCS provided relief services to Jihad Al Nawajeh’s family in Soussia (MassaferYatta area, South of Hebron) after Israeli forces set his home on fire, totally destroying its furniture and displacing the family which comprises 14 members to whom PRCS provided a tent, food, hygiene and relief items, plastic sheeting, a Kerosene cooker and a water tank.