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Dr. Al Khatib joins the PRCS Volunteers’ in their work at the Qalandia checkpoint

(Jerusalem, 21-8-2011): President of the Palestine Red Crescent Society, Dr. Younis Al Khatib, participated in the humanitarian and medical services provided by the PRCS volunteers to the worshippers heading to the Al Aqsa mosque at the Qalandia checkpoint to the north of Jerusalem on the third Friday of Ramadan.

Besides, Dr. Al Khatib was briefed about the workflow of the services provided to the elderly, women, and children; in addition to the process followed in dealing with the humanitarian and medical cases of worshippers at the checkpoint, and the organization of their passage by the PRCS volunteers dispatched at that area.

It is worth mentioning that over 300 volunteers were dispatched at the Qalandia, Al Zaytouna, and Bethlehem Checkpoints around Jerusalem, in addition to the Al Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem and the Al Ibrahimi Mosque area in Hebron during the Fridays of the holy month of Ramadan, to provide first aid services to the worshippers.