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A Palestinian Medical Delegation visits the PRCS’ Hospitals in Lebanon

(Beirut, 17.8.2011): A Palestinian medical delegation from the West Bank visited the five hospitals of the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Lebanon, to support the doctors in the humanitarian services provided to the patients, especially those suffering from critical illnesses, in addition to getting familiarized with the situation there, and giving suggestions to develop these hospitals.


The medical delegation, which consists of 28 doctors of various specializations, arrived in Beirut on the 15th of August, and visited the Al Hamshari hospital in Saida. Afterwards, they participated in the inauguration ceremony of the Palestinian Embassy in Beirut, and were then dispatched to the various hospitals of the PRCS according to the needs.


The delegation expressed their willingness to assist in developing the medical services provided to the Palestinian refugees in the Palestinian Refugee Camps.


It is worth mentioning that this delegation, whose visit was decided by President Abbas, has distributed to the 5 hospitals around one and a half tons of medicine produced in Palestine.