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PRCS organizes 12 summer camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

(Al-Bireh, 10-08-2011):PRCS organized during the period from 26 June to 3 July a total of 12 summer camps throughout the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Held under the supervision of the Rehabilitation and Capacity Development Program, these camps aimed at integrating disabled children with their peers through a number of recreational and educational activities.


The camps were held in Jericho, Beit Leed, Nablus, Arraba, Hebron, Tarqoumia, Bani Na’im, Al Bireh and Khan Younes to the benefit of 2014 children (311 disabled children) supervised by 131 supervisors and 300 PRCS volunteers from areas hosting the camps.


The camps featured activities for both disabled children and their peers aimed at enhancing the participation of disabled children and promoting their rights, as well as a series of educational and leisure programs, contests, training courses and recreational trips.


These activities were organized with support from the Norwegian and Swedish Red Cross Societies within the Home Enrichment Program implemented by PRCS as part of its Rehabilitation and Capacity Development Program. Activities included Palestinian popular dances (dabkeh), drawing, handicraft production, artistic activities as well as recreational trips.


At the end of each Summer Camp, PRCS branches and sections held a closing ceremony with the participation of representatives from local institutions. The ceremonies featured recreational and educational activities as well as a number of speeches lauding PRCS efforts.