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The PRCS in Hebron dispatched 80 Volunteers to the Al- Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron

(Hebron, 07-08-2011):Like every year in Ramadan, the Palestine Red Crescent Society has dispatched its staff and volunteers to assist the Palestinian worshipers at the Al- Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

Around 80 volunteers were located in the area of the Al- Ibrahimi Mosque to offer first aid services, organize the entrance and exit of worshipers, furnish the yards, and distribute Iftar. Moreover, two ambulances were provided as stand by to support the teams and offer their services should any emergency arise.

Mr. Abu As’ad, a Palestinian worshiper, thanked the special role of the PRCS personnel, which he describes as a source of safety and helpfulness, wishing they were present all year round.
The volunteer Ismael Muhannad said: “Our goal is to help the worshipers, and it’s reward enough for us to hear them say Thank You! This always motivates us to exert greater efforts towards the benefit of our people and to revive the old city of Hebron and its mosque.”

Jawdat Al Muhtaseb, the coordinator of the volunteer committee praised the successful coordination with the relevant organizations in the district. He stated: “For the 6th year, we are present in the form of medical and voluntary teams to provide special services for the worshipers during the Holy month of Ramadan. The PRCS is the only organization that provides such services in the old city of Hebron.”

For his part, Mr. Sameeh Abu Aisha, the Secretary General of the PRCS and the Head of the Hebron Branch said that the distinctive role of the PRCS in the Ibrahimi Mosque and in the old city of Hebron comes as part of the services provided to the people there, in cooperation with the national organizations in Hebron. He added: “the PRCS has employed all of its resources for the sake of those in need of help.”