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The PRCS lays down the corner stone for its medical center in Al- dahrya sub-branch

(Al-Dahrya, 31-7-2011): President of the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Dr. Younis Al-Khatib, laid down today the corner stone for the head quarters and the medical center of its sub-branch in Al-Dahrya , to the south of Hebron.
Mr. Sameeh Abu- Aisha, the secretary general and head of Hebron branch attended the ceremony, alongside to the head of Al-Dahrya sub-branch Mr. Nassar Qaysein and Mr. Sami Shanyour, mayor Al-Dahrya municipality, in addition to a number of officials from the local community.

In this speech, Dr. Al Khatib asserted on the role of the PRCS in supporting the Palestinians, especially in the most vulnerable communities, who face shortage in the services. However, he valued the efforts of Al-Dahrya people seeking building such a huge center.

For his part, Mr. Qaysieny expressed his gratitude to whoever supported the sub-branch and medical center, especially “Abu-Sharkh family” who have donated the piece of land; in additional to the “Arab fund”, who is funding the building which will include a physiotherapy center, an emergency medical center, and 9 specialized clinics.

Furthermore, Mr. Shenyour pointed out the need to the various medical services in the town, particularly the EMS; thanking the PRCS support and role in rising with the medical, and health and humanitarian services in Al-Dahrya and the area nearby.