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PRCS concludes the First National Disaster Management Camp

(Bani Na’im, 10-07-2011): PRCS concluded the First National Disaster Management Camp. Around 50 volunteers took part in this Camp held over a period of 10 days in Masafer Bani Na’im (Hebron Governorate).


The closing ceremony was attended by PRCS Secretary and President of PRCS/Hebron, Mr. Samih Abu Eisheh, PRCS Head of Operations, Mr. Rabah Jabr, Head of the Disaster Management Unit Mr. Khalil Abou’l Fool, Head of PRCS/Bani Na’im, Mr. AbedRabbo Manasra, and the Mayor of Bani Na’im Mr. Radwan Manasra also there were representatives from Hebron Governorate, Hebron Police, Civil Defense and Civil Society Organizations.


In his speech on behalf of PRCS President, Mr. Abu Eisheh said that the Disaster Management Program, both natural or man/occupation made disasters is a major PRCS program, as underlined by the 10th PRCS Conference held in 2009, he said. “Developing the capacities and capabilities of local communities to face disasters and to cope with them is a key PRCS strategy which has led the Society to launch the community-based disaster risk reduction program.


PRCS is committed to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians under occupation, and this commitment is the compass that guides all our activities, interventions and continuous efforts to develop programs and enhance the quality of our services. New skills acquired by participants at this Camp shall be useful to Palestinians in times of disasters”. He also welcomed participants from the Gaza Strip, lauding their major role in healing the wounds of Palestinians during the latest Israeli aggression against Gaza Strip.


Mayor Manasra welcomed participants and sponsors. “Thanks to their patience and steadfastness, Palestinians have built the nucleus of an advanced national team capable of facing disasters caused by the never-ending earthquake which is the Israeli occupation”, he said.


As for Bashir Ahmad, he said: “Through the Disaster Management Program, PRCS seeks to increase its own readiness as well as that of Palestinians in general by building disaster management capacities. This Camp is in line with PRCS strategy aimed at building the capacities of the local community, as it is the first to suffer when disasters strike, and it is the first responder to disasters.

Training was provided in line with advanced international standards in this field with special focus on important issues to enhance young people’s capacities such as water and sanitation, shelter, food and nutrition, rapid assessment in case of disasters, disaster response, media and information. The Camp also featured several day and night exercises to put theory into practice.


Volunteer Karima Ramadeen spoke on behalf of participants. She said: “My colleagues and I are very proud to be part of the first national disaster response team in Palestine, a team which shall shoulder a great national responsibility. We would like to laud efforts made by PRCS to support this team, just like it always does through its various programs which mobilize volunteers to work aside staff, healing Palestinian wounds. We are proud to be part of such a program. The past ten days were filled with activities, exercises, training courses and lectures which helped build our team effort more efficiently and swiftly”.


Several other speeches were delivered by officials from the Hebron Governorate and the Civil Defense of whom wished participants success. They all praised services provided by PRCS to Palestinians as well as its rapid interventions during emergencies.

It is to be noted that the closing ceremony featured several artistic and heritage related interludes.