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PRCS/Khan Younes celebrates winners of the Short Story contest

(Khan Younes, 02-8-2011): Under the banner “Thought and Creativity” and under the patronage of Jawwal Telecommunications Company PRCS/Khan Younes celebrated winners of the short story contest in which 21 contestants (all age groups) from the Khan Younes Governorate competed.


PRCS was represented by the Deputy Chair of the Khan Younes Branch Eng. Mohamad Al Agha and the Administrative Director of PRCS, Al Amal City, Mr. Jihad Abu Hatab, while Jawwal was represented by Mr. Rafiq Al Falooji, Director of Marketing. The ceremony was attended by a large crowd.


In his speech, Mr. Al Agha welcomed participants and recalled the diverse services provided by PRCS in the humanitarian and cultural fields. He also thanked winners and all those who took part in this contest, underlining the leading role played by PRCS in organizing and training as well as educational courses with a view to enhancing skills and capacities. He added “Such very important activities reflect how PRCS has developed its services and improved its work with the local community”.


Mr. Al Falooji underlined the importance of supporting those who seek a better education, as education is the only mean to build an independent Palestinian State. He assured that Jawwal shall continue to provide support to such activities which promote creativity and shed light on the work of creative individuals.


At the end of the ceremony, prizes and gifts were handed to winners and participants of this cultural contest.