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PRCS celebrates the tenth anniversary of the Safe Motherhood Program

(Al-Bireh, 16-05-2011):PRCS organized, in its Al Bireh headquarters, a central ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of the community based development program known as “Safe Motherhood Committees” (SMC).

In attendance were PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, the German Red Cross Secretary General Mr. Clemens Graf von Waldburg-Zeil, and European Union Representative Marina Oliva, representatives of the Finnish Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and a host of SMC members in the West Bank.

In her speech, Oliva stated that the European Union is very proud to support the SMC program which incorporates all the elements that donors are pleased to find in a supported program. According to her, the program fulfills citizens’ needs as defined by them and is a good example of women empowerment, namely in rural and marginalized communities. She invited women to feel proud of what they have achieved and willed them to encourage other women to join and volunteer in these committees.

Mr. Waldburg expressed appreciation for PRCS’ efforts in supporting safe motherhood committees and endeavoring for their development saying: “When I think about your work, I visualize PRCS’ actions and services provided to citizens in very difficult and exceptional circumstances”. He discussed the major role played by Safe Motherhood Committees in Palestinian societies especially in times of crisis, recalling their actions during the last Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip and hoping for more cooperation on the part of his Palestinian counterparts.

As for Dr. Al Khatib, he recalled the Palestinian people’s Nakba on its 63rd anniversary and prayed for the souls of those who lost their lives during its commemoration in the West Bank, Gaza, the Golan and Galilee. He said: “We are telling the world that the Palestinian people are still waiting for freedom. They went out yesterday in peaceful demonstrations appealing for independence and liberty”. He praised the role played by PRCS teams providing aid and care to the wounded at all points of friction with Israel.

He added: “One of our main principles, in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, is to preserve human dignity; and the dignity of Palestinians will only be achieved by recovering freedom and the right to life, self-determination and an independent state like any other people”.

Regarding Safe Motherhood committees, Dr. Al Khatib said the program is one of PRCS’ main success stories. He asserted PRCS support to Palestinian women and their actions everywhere, especially their pioneering role within PRCS throughout the years”.

“Today, he said, we celebrate the start of another ten years during which PRCS will continue to take these committees under its wings and will endeavor to develop them and expand their action, which not only benefits PRCS but Palestinian society as a whole”.

Speaking on behalf of Safe Motherhood Committees, volunteer Khawla Tayyoun retraced SMC’s history as of its inception, in 25 main groups, ten years ago. Since then, they have endeavored to spread health awareness and social education and have evolved to cover 75 committees and approximately 1000 volunteers.

The ceremony included presentations, made by SMCs from all over the West Bank, regarding the committees’ health messages transmitted to their communities, in addition to personal success stories recounted by SMC members. There were also performances by artist Fathi Al Bargouthi and Deir Abu Mashaal girls’ troupe.

In conclusion, certificates were handed out to SMC members, social workers and administrative staff in the program which is supported by the European Union, through the German and Finnish Red Cross societies.