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PRCS marks the 8th of May in the Northern Jordan Valley

(Bardala, 08-05-2011): PRCS held on the 8th of May at Bardala Girls School in the Northern Jordan Valley a central ceremony to mark the World Red Cross/Red Crescent Day celebrated annually on the 8th of May.

The ceremony, held in support of Palestinians’ steadfastness in the area, was attended by Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, Dr. Marwan Toubassi, Governor of Toubas and the Northern Jordan Valley , Mr. Giorgio Ferrerio, Representative of the International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent Socities and Mr. Juan-Pedro Schaerer, Head of ICRC’s Delegation in the OPT.

In his speech, Dr. Toubassi lauded the services provided by PRCS to Palestinians in general and to the local population in the Northern Jordan Valley in particular, recalling PRCS’ and the International Movement’s martyrs who fell in the line of humanitarian duty. He lauded PRCS’ decision to hold this ceremony in Bardala in the Northern Jordan Valley in support of its population’s steadfastness and touched on the many challenges faced in the area due to continuous settlement activities, land confiscations and home demolitions.

Mr. Ferrario said that this year’s celebrations focused on voluntary action. He lauded efforts made by 13 million volunteers throughout the world who provide health and social awareness raising, and curative services, disaster response and assistance to various communities. Addressing PRCS volunteers, he said: “You have a major role to play in achieving justice, peace and self-determination”. He also recalled that 15 PRCS volunteers have been killed since the beginning of the second intifada.

Mr. Schaerer commended efforts made by volunteers from National Societies and recalled PRCS martyrs. “voluntary action enhances self-respect and helps us accept the other”, he said, lauding PRCS’ efforts in promoting voluntary action.

Dr. Al Khatib said that the 8th of May marks the birthday of Henri Dunant, the father of the International Movement. He touched on the history of both the RCRC Movement and the ICRC, affirming that PRCS shall continue to work in the Jordan Valley area, providing various services to support and enhance the steadfastness of its inhabitants. Al Khatib also spoke about strengthening PRCS’ activities by enhancing the Risk Reduction Program, the Community-based Development Program and Safe Motherhood Committees, in addition to providing a mobile clinic on a bi-weekly basis to the benefit of villages in the Northern Jordan Valley. Moreover, Al Khatib recalled the 15 PRCS martyrs who have fallen since the start of the second intifada, as well as the 185 PRCS martyrs who have fallen since the Society’s inception, stressing that PRCS was and shall remain a symbol of Palestinian sovereignty and national unity.

The ceremony featured artistic interludes and the recital of two poems by 14 years old volunteer Angham Al Qabaday, as well as the distribution of several plaques to local organizations in the area.