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World Red Cross Red Crescent Day: honouring volunteer service

(Ramallah, 08-05-2011): Each year the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement celebrates the 8th of May. This date was specifically chosen in order to honor the birth of the founder of the movement Henry Dunant.

This day represents the determination of the movement to pursue its humanitarian efforts to heal the wounds caused by war and disaster.

Since volunteerism is a fundamental principal of the movement, this day also celebrates this principal and urges national societies to reinforce it and strengthen understanding it throughout society.

In occupied Palestinian Territory, the Palestine Red Crescent (PRCS) volunteers are held in high regard considering the exceptional circumstances they work under and the practices of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people. These unknown soldiers are always on the forefront performing their humanitarian duty in the bleakest circumstances.

Since the creation of the Palestine Red Crescent, volunteers have worked during the invasion of Lebanon, the first and second intifada and the war on Gaza (late 2008-2009). They provided humanitarian, health, social, psychosocial and relief services to displaced, wounded, sick and to all Palestinians wherever they are found.

With regards to the Palestinian territory, our volunteers were and still are in danger; the Palestine Red Crescent has lost 15 volunteers in the call of their humanitarian duty since the beginning of the second Intifada in 2000.

“The targeting of PRCS volunteers by the Israeli occupation is a blatant violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) which reinforces the need and the obligation to protect the medical mission and not target it but also to facilitate its work and provide it with full access to accomplish its duty”, stated Dr. Younis Al Khatib, the President of PRCS.

Their sacrifices, dedication and unique expertise have contributed to fulfilling the needs of the community and represent a significant financial value which has allowed the Palestine Red Crescent society to reach more individuals and
communities every year.