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PRCS inaugurates its new premises as well as several medical and community-based centers in Bani Na’im

(Bani Na’im, 16.4.2011): PRCS inaugurated  its new premises in Bani Na’im (Hebron Governorate) as well as a new Special Education Center, a Physical and Occupational Therapy Center and a model kindergarten. The inauguration ceremony was attended by PRCS President, Dr. Younis Al Khatib.

In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib said that “PRCS works hard to remain close to the communities it serves in cities, villages and refugee camps both in Palestine and the Diaspora. I am very happy with these new centers which shall cater to children and disabled persons, especially as we mark the Palestinian Child Day. PRCS plays a leading role in the provision of services to disabled persons and to those with special needs: assisting these persons is a source of pride for us, and so is working in marginalized areas and in areas affected by the Separation Wall, in order to support the steadfastness of Palestinians”.

As for Dr. Abed Rabbo Manasra, Head of PRCS sub branch in Bani Na’im, he said: “Today we celebrate with you the great new achievements made by PRCS including the Special Education Center, the Physical and Occupational Therapy Center and the PRCS model kindergarten, all to be hosted in the new PRCS premises. This new building came into being as part of PRCS’ Strategic Plan and thanks to support from the Welfare Association, World Vision International, the German Red Cross as well as donations from the local community and from Bani Na’im citizens living abroad”.

Manasra also touched on services provided by PRCS in Bani Na’im and adjacent areas, adding that “a total of more than 10.000 persons benefit from PRCS services per month in all fields including Primary Health Care, Emergency Services, School for the Speech Impaired, Special Education Centre, Physical and Occupational Therapy Center and model Kindergarten inter alia. As for the future, a hospital with a capacity of 27 beds providing all necessary medical services shall come into being. I call upon you all to support PRCS to enable it to open this new medical monument which shall serve all Palestinians”.

Bani Na’im mayor, Mr. Radwan Manasra, lauded the services provided by PRCS to Palestinians in general and to the inhabitants of Bani Na’im in particular, adding that PRCS clearly makes a difference when it comes to medical and community-based services in the region.

In his speech on behalf of World Vision International, Bassem Dodeen described this new monument as the fruit of cooperation between NGOs and Bani Na’im inhabitants. He underlined the importance of these new centers in developing children’s talents and opening up new windows of opportunity to learn and to develop.

The ceremony featured several artistic interludes presented by the Bani Na’im Girls Dabkeh Troupe as well as by children from the Special Education Center and the Model Kindergarten.