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Inauguration of the Palestinian Fair for Educational and Pedagogic Games

(Al Bireh, 5-4-2011): Dr. Lamees Al Alami, Palestinian Minister of Education and Dr. Younis Al Khatib, PRCS President, inaugurated the First Palestinian Fair for Educational and Pedagogic Games organized by the Innovation and Talents for Children and Youth Center in partnership with PRCS, the Palestinian Ministry of Education and the Welfare Association on the occasion of the Palestinian Child day marked every year on the 5th of April.


In her speech at the inauguration ceremony, Dr. Al Alami said: “Today we mark the Palestinian Child Day and we share the dreams of Palestinian children of a better future in an independent State with Jerusalem as its capital, away from oppression by the Israeli occupation. We call for our children’s right to live in a State that would safeguard their right to a decent life, education and health care as well as their right to play and to be creative”. Al Alami added that education through games is a very successful educational strategy aimed at developing thinking skills and shaping children’s personalities.


Dr. Al Khatib read out a speech prepared by Mu’taz Al Atrash, a child from Jerusalem, in which he said: “I hear the Palestinian children are celebrated on the 5th of April. However, I ask myself, is it a day for me to be happy because the world has acknowledged my right to a childhood and the lack thereof? Or is it a day for me to be sad because Palestinian children are denied their most basic rights?”.


Al Khatib added: “I feel sad when I see children throughout the world laugh and play, because our children can only play with sadness and sorrow. I am pained to see Palestinian children beg to be treated in hospitals, whereas health care is easily available and accessible to other children throughout the world”.


In her speech on behalf of the Innovation and Talents for Children and Youth Center, Dr. Jihnaz Al Far said: “This Fair crowns our efforts aimed at revealing the talents of Palestinian individuals and groups, as well as building ties and exchanging experiences between institutions and individuals. Our Center provides support to teachers, educators, young leaders and those working to implement children’s programs through methods in line with children’s preferences and aspirations”.


Dr. Tafida Jarbawi, speaking on behalf of the Welfare Association, touched on the various projects supported by the Association to the benefit of children and education. She lauded the role played by partner institutions and by the Fair’s organizers, mainly PRCS and the Ministry of Education.


The Fair featured several artistic interludes presented by students from the PRCS School for the Deaf as well as from the 'Dar Al Tifl’ troupe.