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French Red Cross delegation visits PRCS in the WBGS and inaugurates new Sections at Al Quds Hospital

(Hebron- Ramallah- Gaza, 12-1-2011): French Red Cross President Dr. Jean François Mattei, and accompanied delegation visited the Palestine Red Crescent Society in the Gaza Strip today, where they met with PRCS directors, who briefed the visiting delegation on the PRCS activities there.

Dr. Mattei, PRCS President Dr. Younis Al Khatib, Mr. Orfan Sulaimani, Director of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Gaza, and Mr. Mohammad Abu Haloub, representative of Qatar Red Crescent in Gaza (QRC) inaugurated three new sections at PRCS’ Al Quds Hospital in Gaza.

In his speech, Dr. Al Khatib asserted the importance of opening more sections at Al Quds Hospital, and upgrading its facilities. Al Khatib noted the needs in Gaza for medical sections and units like the MRI unit, funded by the ICRC, and the physiotherapy section as well as the admission section funded by the QRC and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

Hailing the distinguished presence the FRC' President, and the representative of the Qatari Red Crescent at Al-Quds Hospital, Al-Khatib said "This is a day of solidarity by the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with Al-Quds Hospital and the PRCS". PRCS President also thanked all partners and countries supporting PRCS and the Palestinian people, including the representatives of QRC, IDB, ICRC and UAE Red Crescent.

On his part, Dr. Mattei valued PRCS efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians. He expressed his happiness for visiting the oPt, “I feel as if I am amidst my family, and when I look into your eyes and smiles, I find such a warm welcome” he said.

In his remarks, Qatari Red Crescent representative Mr. Abu Haloub said that funding the establishment of these two sections is part of the QRC continuing renovation of Al Quds Hospital which was destroyed during the last Israeli war on Gaza. He said the accumulative cost so far has been $ 830,000, contributing at the same time to the rehabilitation of the health sector in the Gaza governorates.
Following the ceremony, Dr. Al Khatib and his guests distributed financial aid of 400 shekels to a number of families, donated by UAE Red Crescent as well as food parcels to many poor families, some of them are families of persons with disability.

Al-Khatib accompanied the delegation on a tour to several areas in the Gaza Strip. They visited Jabalya PRCS branch, and were briefed about the services and activities provided to citizens. The delegation also visited the Emergency Medical Services Station, the Psychosocial Support Center, Primary Health Care Center, and the Disaster Risk Reduction program.

Yesterday, Dr. Mattei visited PRCS’ Headquarters in Al Bireh, where he was received by Dr. Al Khatib, PRCS vice president, Dr. Abdullah Sabri, the Minister of Health Dr. Fathi Abu Mughli, and the Minister of Communications Mr. Mashhour Abu Dakka. Dr. Mattei also met with heads of programs and departments at PRCS.

Besides, Dr. Al Khatib has also accompanied the visiting delegation to a tour in Hebron to the south of the West Bank, where they visited PRCS’ branch there, and met Mr. Sameeh Abu Aisha, PRCS head of Hebron Branch. In addition, they had a tour in PRCS’ hospital in Hebron, the EMS station, the Psychosocial Center, as well as the old city.
Dr. Mattei expressed his admiration of the quality of the services PRCS provides through its stations and centers to the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and the unique relationship between the employees and volunteers, and also between them and the beneficiaries.

He said that PRCS is one of the most active national societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in the world, despite all the difficulties it is facing.
Commenting on his visit to Hebron, he said it has shown him the hard life of the Palestinians under the Occupation. Noting that while PRCS is shouldering a huge burden as a result of the occupation, it is doing every thing possible to tend to the wounds of its people.

Dr. Mattei commended the deep relations between PRCS and the French Red Cross, as well as the mutual cooperation for the benefit of humanity.
Dr. Mattei awarded Dr. Al Khatib the Medal of Honor from the French Red Cross. Al-Khatib, expressed his gratitude and considered the medal as an appreciation of the PRCS staff and volunteers. He also valued the French support to the Palestinians in general, and to PRCS in particular, as well as the support of the French Red Cross to PRCS programs, especially the psychosocial program, and the support of the French government to the renovation of Al Quds hospital in Gaza.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Al Khatib has also requested the visiting delegate to use the humanitarian diplomacy in order to alleviate the sufferings of the Palestinians, resulting from the repeated Israeli violations of international laws and norms.