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PRCS inaugurates an emergency clinic in Toubas

(Toubas, 30-12-2010) :PRCS inaugurated its emergency clinic in the District of Toubas with the participation of its President Dr. Younis Al Khatib; of the head of the Toubas branch, Jamal Daraghmeh; and that of Marwan Toubassi, Governor of Toubas and the Northern Ghores.

The clinic, built with funding from the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in the State of Kuwait, was inaugurated in the presence of the leaders of security forces, government institutions, and public and official personalities from Toubas.

In his opening statement, Dr. Al Khatib said that “the opening of this medical edifice in Toubas adds a new PRCS facility and constitutes another PRCS achievement. The center shall provide medical and social services lacking in this district and needed by the population. It shall support the opening of an emergency clinic which will coincide with the 42nd anniversary of our great institution.”

In his speech, Toubas Mayor Oqab Daraghmeh stated that, with this project, PRCS had sensed the needs of the local community, adding distinguished services which improve the medical situation in the district, whereas it provides around-the-clock medical services.

For his part, Dr. Mamoun Zayoud, Toubas health director, noted the complementary work, in the medical field, between PRCS and the Toubas Health Directorate. 'Services provided in the clinic shall alleviate the suffering of citizens undergoing health problems, especially during the closing hours of medical centers’, he said.

In a speech made on behalf of the Administrative Committee of PRCS’ Toubas branch, Dr. Jamal Daraghmeh said that “the inauguration adds a new PRCS program that is qualitatively and quantitatively intended for the local community. The policy of the PRCS is to provide medical services for symbolic fees borne by normal citizens, in addition to exempting them in many social cases.”

He expressed appreciation to the financing entity – i.e. the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in the State of Kuwait – for its incessant support of our Palestinian people in all areas. He noted that the prompt success achieved by the emergency clinic, which was inaugurated in mid-September, confirms the high credibility enjoyed by PRCS within the local community in the District of Toubas. In fact, in this short period, the emergency clinic provided treatment for no less than 4000 cases, thus creating major obligations for PRCS, forcing it to maintain the same level achieved in the beginning.

Also, during his presentation, Fawaz Abou Dawwas, PRCS’ secretary in Toubas asserted that this achievement was shared between PRCS and the Toubas Zakat (Charity donation) Committee which constructed the building and donated it to PRCS for use in the service of the local community. He underscored that this collaboration also had an impact on the nature of services provided to the beneficiaries of the said Committee, asserting the importance, in Toubas, of providing local community support to PRCS programs in all fields.

At the end of the ceremony, PRCS honored its Toubas supporters, asserting that local community support to the Toubas branch had recently started to increase, which constitutes a clear indication of the region’s ever increasing confidence in PRCS and its activities on various levels.