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PRCS holds a specialized training course on Disaster Response in Qalqilia

َ(Qalqilia, 20-12-2010): PRCS held a specialized training course on Disaster Management with the participation of 35 volunteers from the branch as well as from governmental and non-governmental organizations.

“PRCS gives special attention to the safety of citizens by limiting dangers and threats through continuous efforts by the Disaster Management Unit (DMU) to handle all emergencies”, the Head of the branch said at the course’s inauguration session.

According to Ms. Rihab Abed from DMU, “the course is part of PRCS’ constant efforts to face potential disasters. It aims at enhancing the capacities of PRCS staff and volunteers as well as of Civil Society Organizations in each town to enable them to handle the effects caused by disasters”.

Mr. Jamal Dawood, Coordinator of DMU at PRCS/Qalqilia said that this four-day course shall tackle several issues including an introduction to PRCS and its DMU, Disaster Risk Map in Palestine, limiting disasters, rapid needs assessments, humanitarian aid coordination, SPHERE standards, team characteristics, field teams in emergencies, camp management, health in emergencies, water and sanitation, logistical support and warehouse management.

Dr. Ayman Abu Hanash, expert disaster trainer, said: “Participants in this course will form the nucleus of a national team at the Qalqilia Governorate level working under PRCS supervision and in cooperation with CSOs. They shall be prepared and qualified to face any potential disaster in a sound scientific manner. The team shall also receive many other theoretical and practical training courses in the future”.

These courses fall within PRCS’ Disaster Management Strategic Goals which aim at enhancing the capacities of PRCS’ crews and volunteers to face disasters and the destruction they cause.