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PRCS provides relief aid to distressed persons in Yarza (Al Aghwar)

Jericho- PRCS provided on the 28th of November relief aid to distressed populations in Yarza village in the Northern Jordan Valley after Israeli occupation forces razed several housing structures in the village. PRCS crews distributed tents, mattresses, blankets, cooking utensils and sanitary kits to distressed families.

Teams from PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit had visited the village last Thursday, rapidly assessing needs and damages. It announced that two housing units as well as the village’s mosque had been totally destroyed, while ten other housing structures had been partially destroyed.

According to Waleed Aboul Hayja, Unit Coordinator in the northern West Bank, “immediately after receiving information that several structures and housing units in the village have been razed, assessment crews headed to the village and evaluated damage sustained. They also rapidly assessed living conditions and needs. Yarza is located 15 kms away from Toubas (West Bank) and is inhabited by 60 persons who live in several housing structures. They live off husbandry and farming”. Aboul Hayja added that PRCS covered the needs of victims whose homes were destroyed, in line with the Society’s rapid response and assistance strategy.

According to Basheer Ahmad, Head of PRCS’ Disaster Management Unit in the West Bank, “PRCS shall in the coming days assess needs throughout the Jordan Valley region, and shall develop additional programs to be implemented in the most disadvantaged areas”.